Friday night Duey called me at work and said he was having uncle withdrawals and missing Cole and Madison, so we went to visit on Saturday.
When we got there Cole was sleeping and Madison was in her swing. Duey just stood there watching for her to fuss thinking he had to wait till she did to pick her up:) It was pretty cute!
Duey was showing off her muscles
He likes high fiving with Cole
Cole was playing with Duey's work phone, so Duey called him from his personal phone.
Kelvin this one is for you- you better come home quick before Duey converts Cole to Tony Stewart:)
Egging Cole on to splash in the puddles!
It was a beautiful day, so we went for a walk and played in the park
Duey flipped Cole's collar up to make him a "cool dude"
that pic of Duey waiting on Madison to fuss and your commentary reminded me of this: My baby brother was just home from the hosp, I was about 4 and loved to hold him. He was asleep in his bassinet outside Mom and Dad's room. And it didn't look to change anytime soon. SO- I got Dad's harmonica and blew it good and loud right by his head- he cried and I started to pick him up. What my 4 year old brain failed to realize was that Mom was literally 20 feet away and she came flying out of that room faster than greased lightening- thus ending that round of baby holding... Live and learn! (But tell D to get a harmonica and try it! lol)
like i said, you could have picked her up whenever you wanted... :) thanks again for popping over, we had a blast!! btw: anita, your story is way funny, i laughed out loud!
What a great uncle...and aunt!
How sweet! Looks like you have a good guy there Candance!
that pic of Duey waiting on Madison to fuss and your commentary reminded me of this: My baby brother was just home from the hosp, I was about 4 and loved to hold him. He was asleep in his bassinet outside Mom and Dad's room. And it didn't look to change anytime soon. SO- I got Dad's harmonica and blew it good and loud right by his head- he cried and I started to pick him up. What my 4 year old brain failed to realize was that Mom was literally 20 feet away and she came flying out of that room faster than greased lightening- thus ending that round of baby holding... Live and learn! (But tell D to get a harmonica and try it! lol)
like i said, you could have picked her up whenever you wanted... :) thanks again for popping over, we had a blast!!
btw: anita, your story is way funny, i laughed out loud!
very cute!
You guys make such a great aunt and uncle, Kelvin and Lindsay are lucky to have you. By the way, your backround music is great. I love Johnny Cash!!
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